Monday, September 20, 2010



I can't begin to describe how AMAZING this week has been and how much I love all my sisters!!!

Delta status here I come!!

Better post to come later on!!

--Alpha for 24 more hours

Wednesday, September 15, 2010



So I realized something pretty cool tonight that I just had to share.

We were talking about stress and stuff in our Bible Study tonight and while we were praying it kind of hit me. I think God called me into ministry before my parents divorce and before Papa got sick because He knew I wouldn't surrender after all this happened. I mean, I might have I'll never know but at this point and time I don't think I would have. Or I wouldn't have realized the potential I could have.

Ok. Cool point for the night.

--The Venezuelan

Sunday, September 12, 2010

One Year of Change

Hello there folks!

Well instead of studying like a good college student I decided to blog and watch Dukes of Hazzard. Yes... I'm a bad student.

Anyways... Well I went home again this weekend. Yes. I know I've gone home a lot but this upcoming weekend will be the last time I go home for awhile so I've got to enjoy it while I can. But things are changing and this weekend really pointed that out to me... and quite frankly I hate it.

1st off this upcoming Wednesday will be one year without my Papa. I can't believe it's been a year, it seems like just yesterday we were talking about retirement and graduation. I'm pretty sure his retirement is way better than mine. I have missed him so much, and dread Wednesday. So much has changed since he died. Friends, family, and even myself.

Then things are changing with my friends back home... as much as I hate to say that. I love them to death, and I love when I get to hang out with them, but you can tell the difference now between high school and college. Some of the things they find fun and entertaining just don't appeal to me anymore. I know that sounds really lame, but it's true. And it's so hard to even have conversations now because they are always talking about what's happening in Headland and I talk about Troy. And what makes matters worse is Most the time it's about my Sorority and they makes jokes about it. Which is understood, I'd probably make fun of someone talking like I do if I wasn't in one but sometimes it hurts when they make fun of them. These are the girls I will live the rest of my life with! Yes, I'll live the rest of my life with my friends back home, especially one of them cause she's my favorite, but there is a time when you just got to let me talk without fear of a smart remark.

Then things are changing with my family. I'm so proud of my Nana. She's preparing for a new season and has gotten some new furniture and stuff for the house. And she said she's ready to get rid of Papa's clothes. I don't know if I'm ready for that one. This whole weekend was a lot of change for me to take in in that whole department. As long as my chair is still there I guess I'm good.

And Little Koren is arriving in january!!! Leah Koren Green!!! I'm so excited for Chip and Kristin!!! I can't wait to hold that little girl!!!

OH!! And let me tell you about MACI!!!! Maci's my cousin and I am so proud of her right now!! She was offered Vodka the other night, oh, did I mention she was in 8th grade, and she said no! I know that sounds like a minor detail to be so excited about, but I am. And then me and her got to talk about it and man, that girl is going to do some AMAZING stuff for the Kingdom of God!!! I can't wait to see what God has in store for her!!

Let's see.... ADPi is starting their Bible Study this Wednesday and I am STOKED about it!! I sure hope I get to go because our Swap is the same time... I mean honestly though. there shouldn't be a problem... better not be...

Initiation starts this SUnday and I am STOKED about it!!! WHAT!!!!!!

Ok. I don't think I have anything else for tonight....

k. bye.

--The soon to be Delta!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


What's an Engagement without pictures!!!!!

Chris and Avery!!!

My AMAZING Family!!!

The family tree!!!!

That gorgeous ring!!!

The Newly Engaged Couple with the Candlelight Sisters!!!

Again I say it was so special to me to get to participate in this!! My first Candlelight was for my Big!! I don't think I'll ever forget that!!!

--Proud Lil

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's an ADPi Engagement!!!

So can I say I have had possibly the BEST weekend/ week EVER!!!! Let me tell you about it!!

1st off, I surprised my bestie!! I'm pretty sure she hated me and wanted to kill me for "canceling" our plans for this weekend!! But then I showed up at the game Friday night and it was to GREAT!!! I miss her so much!! But I'm glad I'm only an hour away!

Then Saturday we went to the lake with my family and tubed all weekend! Me and Lindsey are FRIED like CHICKEN!!! And my elbow's all scraped up!! But the weekend was AMAZING!!

However, by Monday morning I was really starting to miss Troy and my sisters!!

But here is for the WHOLE point of this blog...

Wickle, ADPi Pres, text me Sunday asking me if I was going to be at Chapter Tuesday. Well I told her I have class and asked why. Well she says they were doing something for Avery(My amazing Big) and she wanted me there. So I told her I could skip class and get the notes from someone. SO Wickle says she'll call me later. Well I get back to Troy and am checking me e-mail and open up this one from her... it says "Chris is proposing to Avery!!!!!!!!!"

I almost died. Like tears begin, I start laughing/ not breathing/ not believing what I just read! And the coolest part I GET TO BE A PART OF IT!!! We were having a candle light service and that's where Chris was going to propose!! Well it was AMAZING!! I basically had to avoid Avery all day today because otherwise I would have given something away or either started crying!!! AHH!!!

Well I'm not going into detail about how it was done because it was just to sweet!! But ahh. It was to PERFECT!!! And I can't believe Wickle was going to let me go to class and miss that!! Ahh!!!

LOVE LIFE!!! Well, my Grand Big is married, My Big is getting Married, hmm... no pressure here at all!!!

God has truly blessed me with some Amazing people that I can't believe I have lived without for 18 years!!! I'm so glad He allowed our paths to intersect at the perfect time!!

-- The Lil of the Engaged Big!!!