Monday, May 9, 2011

So this is what relaxing is...

I feel like I start every one of my blogs with "It's been awhile," partly because it always has been awhile. This past semester has certainly been an interesting one! So many things have happened and I just have no idea what to think sometimes.

I'm not going to go into major details for the fact I don't feel like you care. However, I will say I have been tried more this semester than ever before. The stress of school was multiplied by the stress added from ADPi and everything I have to do for my sorority. Granted I love every minute of it, it has just taken a few years off my life. The semester went by much faster than I had planned for the simple fact I planned stuff all semester! Avery and I got best Big/Lil award! That's what's up! Twin and Peyton are probably two of my favorite people! I'm not sure how my life would be without my Greek Family!

School is iffy. I wish I could do all my extra curriculars here and not be enrolled. It'd be nice. I joined the Momentum Leadership Team! I help Janie with our local outreach projects! I love it so much! A few of us are going to Honduras this summer to work in an Orphanage!! Super excited!

Besides that I am working at Camp Butter and Egg this summer. It's like a recreation camp in Troy! They have stuff like ziplines and high rope courses!! Pretty stoked about it!! It reminds me of Glorietta last summer!! Almost as awesome!!

I'm ready to get to Venezuela and get going with my life! I think my new Spanish major will help a lot with it!! Right now I have a ten year plan, so we shall see if this is what God wants!! I pray it is!

Until next time,

-The Sophomore

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Rope and Trinidad

WOW!!!! It has been a long time!!!! I can not believe all that has happened since the last time I blogged!!

Well first off I can't really remember what all was in my last blog so I'm just gonna talk about what I know I haven't blogged about. First off, can I just say Trinidad. Yea. Trinidad brings back so many words I don't think I could type fast enough. I went up to birmingham the night before we flew out of Birmingham for the fact that we had to be at the airport at 6:30. Stayed with a really cool chick, Christy, one of my Nana's friends. She reminds me of Christy from the Christy Miller Collection. Flew out of Birmingham and had a pretty long lay over in Houston. We ate at a nice restaurant and that is where the fun began. Our leader told us about what all would happen when we got to Trinidad and went through customs. The biggest thing is we weren't allowed to say we were Christians or on a mission trip. That kind of freaked me out. I think by the time we landed I was fully prepared to lose my life for Christ. I've never had the feeling of complete and total surrender until that time. It was amazing!!!!

We got to the church and the best week of my life began. I'm not going to go into full details because that would just take entirely to long. If you want the full version contact me. I'd be happy to give it. But the coolest part to me was this group called the Old Testament Boys. They were a group of, I think, 6 boys from Hindu families. The families trust the church enough to allow them to go to service and Sunday School. The group did a drama during the Christmas Banquet on Saturday night. The Pastor told us about them and that none of them were saved before they performed. Well during the drama, I can't remember which song, but they bowed down on their knees. I cried. To see boys who aren't even saved kneel down to a God their families didn't believe or worship was truly overwhelming. And can I just say by the end of the youth camp I know of at least 2 that were saved. Glory to God!

We also had one girl in our group, Coleen, who came the first day. She was really cool and brought 4 of her friends the second day. Coleen and 3 of her friends got saved. I'm not sure if all the people who got saved understood what they were doing but to see them taking the initiative was the best, chilling feeling EVER!!!!

The whole trip was perfect and I am pretty sure I would have stayed if they would have asked me.

We got back from Trinidad and I came home to Violet, our old dog. Mom got her back and I think it was one of the best decisions she's ever made. The week was full of friends and family. Christmas turned out being pretty great. And then we, Mom, Jay, and I, went on our youth groups ski trip. It was pretty fun!!! I roomed with Kendra and two girls from Grandview, Jacy and Janie. Pretty sure I loved our nightly room talks and bible studies more than I liked skiing. This was also the first trip I had to go get ski patrol on. Talk about freak out, plus the fact is was my best friends sister who is like my little sister.

The only thing about the ski trip was by the time we got back I was so tired I slept straight into 2011. Kind of sad because there were two parties I could have gone to. However, the thirteen hours of sleep I got were the best!!!! I came back to Troy the following Sunday and classes started and life got back into it's old, boring routine. My schedule this semester rocks!! It excited me greatly!!!

This past Monday my cousin Koren was born!! Best moment of my life and she is so ADORABLE!!! I can't wait to go home this weekend and eat her cute little face!!!

Tonight was actually what sparked this blog. We had the first meeting of The Rope tonight. It was... AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worship was so cool and reminded me of Trinidad. We sang Marvelous Light, Our God, and Forever Reign!! Then Anna spoke about the Passion Conference that she signed at. She talked about the Name of Jesus and how we carry it. It got me thinking. Do I really Carry Jesus' name like I should. I mean compared to some people on Campus I carry it like I am God, and that's normally my thought process. That's not how it's suppose to be. I'm not suppose to compare myself to anything but God's word, I have no excuse for ever thinking I'm doing a good job of being a "Christian" because there is always room to be better. I love The Rope and all that God is doing with it!!

Wow, it may just be me but that was a lot!! Time for me to head back to my place and hit the hay for another full day of classes and sorority stuff.

--The Trinie

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This is what thinking about life gets me

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been awhile. I thought college would be crazy, but I didn't think about being Greek amongst all the college craziness. Granted it has made this semester worth every ounce of energy I've used, but homecoming was torture!!! Me and my Big were in charge of the float... never.again. I didn't sleep at all last week. Broke down on Thursday, and went crazy Saturday, but the 13 hours of sleep I got Saturday night helped make up for it a little bit.

A lot of things have been heavy on my heart here lately and I guess it's time I got them out.

I got a letter from my cousin and in it she talked about how she got a notebook to write letters to our Papa. She said she thought I would probably think it was nothing... little does she know I do that all the time. Sometimes I think it's only Papa that would understand something, part of that is just because he's gone and I want to talk to him, part of it is that it's true. I have his Alabama Jacket on the chair beside my bed. It's always good encouragement to keep going.

I have started listening to CHRISTMAS MUSIC already!!! I am STOKED about it!!! I was watching a Christmas movie with a friend last night and we were talking about what we do for Christmas and it kind of hit me... I don't know what I do. Yes, last Christmas and Thanksgiving should have been the ones that were hard on me. They were the 1st ones without my Papa and with my parents divorced. But I have a feeling this year will be way harder. This whole year has been harder.

This Christmas will be the first year we don't do Christmas on Christmas Eve with the Green's, I don't even know what we're doing with my dad's side. Everything is crazy. I like change, but this isn't the change I like. I want this stuff to stay the same... I think if it changes it's just a little more of Papa that won't be here. But I am still looking forward to the Christmas Story!!! It's my favorite part of Christmas!!!

I watched Freedom Writers tonight and it is totally what I want to do in Venezuela. It's about a teacher who unites different gang members. I want to do that but for girls who have been abused or who have family trouble. The teacher was a safe person that they could trust. I want to be that safe thing in someones life.

I love to talk to people about Venezuela. Partly because they always look at me like I'm crazy. Venezuela isn't the safest country and I always get the "Are you sure about this?" or "I'm not sure how I feel about this." The thing is, I have never felt more at peace about something before. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. I day dream all the time about what I'm going to do and how to set things up. I'm 1,000% sure this thing is God-Breathed. It's only when I'm thinking or praying do I get the ideas.... and then I can never get them out of my head!

The future seems so close. I'm almost finished with my first semester of college, I'm going on a mission trip to Trinidad this December(where you can look across the ocean and see Venezuela), and God is slowly putting things and people in my path to help me grow.

I got MEVP in my sorority which is really cool! I'm super stoked.... partly because I'm a control freak. Yea, don't judge. I'm so ready for Thanksgiving break to forget school for a week and hang out with my Family and Friends!!

Til Next Time,
Future Freedom Writer

Friday, October 1, 2010

It's 12:01... so I write this Blog


I'm very hyper right now so be prepared for a very scattered blog... and probably short because you know where I am!!! I'm in MOBILE with Taylor and Avery!!!!! We're here for Bayfest and I am SOOOOO excited!!!!!

THe past few weeks have been stinkin' amazing!! Here's why:

-Officially a Delta
-Going to Trinidad for mission trip
-Bayfest... hello Reba!!
-Taylor Hamm is back in my life and Jessica will be back in it tomorrow!!!!
-The weather is turning COLDER!!!

Ok... I thought I had more exciting things but I did not. We just got back from "exploring" South's campus and I felt the need to tell everyone that. Because I know SOOOO many people read this!!! The Grove is sketchy here. So I'm going to go pray for my safety and pray Avery doesn't pass out....

More fun to come tomorrow!!!!


--Bayfest Bound

Monday, September 20, 2010



I can't begin to describe how AMAZING this week has been and how much I love all my sisters!!!

Delta status here I come!!

Better post to come later on!!

--Alpha for 24 more hours

Wednesday, September 15, 2010



So I realized something pretty cool tonight that I just had to share.

We were talking about stress and stuff in our Bible Study tonight and while we were praying it kind of hit me. I think God called me into ministry before my parents divorce and before Papa got sick because He knew I wouldn't surrender after all this happened. I mean, I might have I'll never know but at this point and time I don't think I would have. Or I wouldn't have realized the potential I could have.

Ok. Cool point for the night.

--The Venezuelan

Sunday, September 12, 2010

One Year of Change

Hello there folks!

Well instead of studying like a good college student I decided to blog and watch Dukes of Hazzard. Yes... I'm a bad student.

Anyways... Well I went home again this weekend. Yes. I know I've gone home a lot but this upcoming weekend will be the last time I go home for awhile so I've got to enjoy it while I can. But things are changing and this weekend really pointed that out to me... and quite frankly I hate it.

1st off this upcoming Wednesday will be one year without my Papa. I can't believe it's been a year, it seems like just yesterday we were talking about retirement and graduation. I'm pretty sure his retirement is way better than mine. I have missed him so much, and dread Wednesday. So much has changed since he died. Friends, family, and even myself.

Then things are changing with my friends back home... as much as I hate to say that. I love them to death, and I love when I get to hang out with them, but you can tell the difference now between high school and college. Some of the things they find fun and entertaining just don't appeal to me anymore. I know that sounds really lame, but it's true. And it's so hard to even have conversations now because they are always talking about what's happening in Headland and I talk about Troy. And what makes matters worse is Most the time it's about my Sorority and they makes jokes about it. Which is understood, I'd probably make fun of someone talking like I do if I wasn't in one but sometimes it hurts when they make fun of them. These are the girls I will live the rest of my life with! Yes, I'll live the rest of my life with my friends back home, especially one of them cause she's my favorite, but there is a time when you just got to let me talk without fear of a smart remark.

Then things are changing with my family. I'm so proud of my Nana. She's preparing for a new season and has gotten some new furniture and stuff for the house. And she said she's ready to get rid of Papa's clothes. I don't know if I'm ready for that one. This whole weekend was a lot of change for me to take in in that whole department. As long as my chair is still there I guess I'm good.

And Little Koren is arriving in january!!! Leah Koren Green!!! I'm so excited for Chip and Kristin!!! I can't wait to hold that little girl!!!

OH!! And let me tell you about MACI!!!! Maci's my cousin and I am so proud of her right now!! She was offered Vodka the other night, oh, did I mention she was in 8th grade, and she said no! I know that sounds like a minor detail to be so excited about, but I am. And then me and her got to talk about it and man, that girl is going to do some AMAZING stuff for the Kingdom of God!!! I can't wait to see what God has in store for her!!

Let's see.... ADPi is starting their Bible Study this Wednesday and I am STOKED about it!! I sure hope I get to go because our Swap is the same time... I mean honestly though. there shouldn't be a problem... better not be...

Initiation starts this SUnday and I am STOKED about it!!! WHAT!!!!!!

Ok. I don't think I have anything else for tonight....

k. bye.

--The soon to be Delta!!!