Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This is what thinking about life gets me

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been awhile. I thought college would be crazy, but I didn't think about being Greek amongst all the college craziness. Granted it has made this semester worth every ounce of energy I've used, but homecoming was torture!!! Me and my Big were in charge of the float... never.again. I didn't sleep at all last week. Broke down on Thursday, and went crazy Saturday, but the 13 hours of sleep I got Saturday night helped make up for it a little bit.

A lot of things have been heavy on my heart here lately and I guess it's time I got them out.

I got a letter from my cousin and in it she talked about how she got a notebook to write letters to our Papa. She said she thought I would probably think it was nothing... little does she know I do that all the time. Sometimes I think it's only Papa that would understand something, part of that is just because he's gone and I want to talk to him, part of it is that it's true. I have his Alabama Jacket on the chair beside my bed. It's always good encouragement to keep going.

I have started listening to CHRISTMAS MUSIC already!!! I am STOKED about it!!! I was watching a Christmas movie with a friend last night and we were talking about what we do for Christmas and it kind of hit me... I don't know what I do. Yes, last Christmas and Thanksgiving should have been the ones that were hard on me. They were the 1st ones without my Papa and with my parents divorced. But I have a feeling this year will be way harder. This whole year has been harder.

This Christmas will be the first year we don't do Christmas on Christmas Eve with the Green's, I don't even know what we're doing with my dad's side. Everything is crazy. I like change, but this isn't the change I like. I want this stuff to stay the same... I think if it changes it's just a little more of Papa that won't be here. But I am still looking forward to the Christmas Story!!! It's my favorite part of Christmas!!!

I watched Freedom Writers tonight and it is totally what I want to do in Venezuela. It's about a teacher who unites different gang members. I want to do that but for girls who have been abused or who have family trouble. The teacher was a safe person that they could trust. I want to be that safe thing in someones life.

I love to talk to people about Venezuela. Partly because they always look at me like I'm crazy. Venezuela isn't the safest country and I always get the "Are you sure about this?" or "I'm not sure how I feel about this." The thing is, I have never felt more at peace about something before. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. I day dream all the time about what I'm going to do and how to set things up. I'm 1,000% sure this thing is God-Breathed. It's only when I'm thinking or praying do I get the ideas.... and then I can never get them out of my head!

The future seems so close. I'm almost finished with my first semester of college, I'm going on a mission trip to Trinidad this December(where you can look across the ocean and see Venezuela), and God is slowly putting things and people in my path to help me grow.

I got MEVP in my sorority which is really cool! I'm super stoked.... partly because I'm a control freak. Yea, don't judge. I'm so ready for Thanksgiving break to forget school for a week and hang out with my Family and Friends!!

Til Next Time,
Future Freedom Writer

Friday, October 1, 2010

It's 12:01... so I write this Blog


I'm very hyper right now so be prepared for a very scattered blog... and probably short because you know where I am!!! I'm in MOBILE with Taylor and Avery!!!!! We're here for Bayfest and I am SOOOOO excited!!!!!

THe past few weeks have been stinkin' amazing!! Here's why:

-Officially a Delta
-Going to Trinidad for mission trip
-Bayfest... hello Reba!!
-Taylor Hamm is back in my life and Jessica will be back in it tomorrow!!!!
-The weather is turning COLDER!!!

Ok... I thought I had more exciting things but I did not. We just got back from "exploring" South's campus and I felt the need to tell everyone that. Because I know SOOOO many people read this!!! The Grove is sketchy here. So I'm going to go pray for my safety and pray Avery doesn't pass out....

More fun to come tomorrow!!!!


--Bayfest Bound

Monday, September 20, 2010



I can't begin to describe how AMAZING this week has been and how much I love all my sisters!!!

Delta status here I come!!

Better post to come later on!!

--Alpha for 24 more hours

Wednesday, September 15, 2010



So I realized something pretty cool tonight that I just had to share.

We were talking about stress and stuff in our Bible Study tonight and while we were praying it kind of hit me. I think God called me into ministry before my parents divorce and before Papa got sick because He knew I wouldn't surrender after all this happened. I mean, I might have I'll never know but at this point and time I don't think I would have. Or I wouldn't have realized the potential I could have.

Ok. Cool point for the night.

--The Venezuelan

Sunday, September 12, 2010

One Year of Change

Hello there folks!

Well instead of studying like a good college student I decided to blog and watch Dukes of Hazzard. Yes... I'm a bad student.

Anyways... Well I went home again this weekend. Yes. I know I've gone home a lot but this upcoming weekend will be the last time I go home for awhile so I've got to enjoy it while I can. But things are changing and this weekend really pointed that out to me... and quite frankly I hate it.

1st off this upcoming Wednesday will be one year without my Papa. I can't believe it's been a year, it seems like just yesterday we were talking about retirement and graduation. I'm pretty sure his retirement is way better than mine. I have missed him so much, and dread Wednesday. So much has changed since he died. Friends, family, and even myself.

Then things are changing with my friends back home... as much as I hate to say that. I love them to death, and I love when I get to hang out with them, but you can tell the difference now between high school and college. Some of the things they find fun and entertaining just don't appeal to me anymore. I know that sounds really lame, but it's true. And it's so hard to even have conversations now because they are always talking about what's happening in Headland and I talk about Troy. And what makes matters worse is Most the time it's about my Sorority and they makes jokes about it. Which is understood, I'd probably make fun of someone talking like I do if I wasn't in one but sometimes it hurts when they make fun of them. These are the girls I will live the rest of my life with! Yes, I'll live the rest of my life with my friends back home, especially one of them cause she's my favorite, but there is a time when you just got to let me talk without fear of a smart remark.

Then things are changing with my family. I'm so proud of my Nana. She's preparing for a new season and has gotten some new furniture and stuff for the house. And she said she's ready to get rid of Papa's clothes. I don't know if I'm ready for that one. This whole weekend was a lot of change for me to take in in that whole department. As long as my chair is still there I guess I'm good.

And Little Koren is arriving in january!!! Leah Koren Green!!! I'm so excited for Chip and Kristin!!! I can't wait to hold that little girl!!!

OH!! And let me tell you about MACI!!!! Maci's my cousin and I am so proud of her right now!! She was offered Vodka the other night, oh, did I mention she was in 8th grade, and she said no! I know that sounds like a minor detail to be so excited about, but I am. And then me and her got to talk about it and man, that girl is going to do some AMAZING stuff for the Kingdom of God!!! I can't wait to see what God has in store for her!!

Let's see.... ADPi is starting their Bible Study this Wednesday and I am STOKED about it!! I sure hope I get to go because our Swap is the same time... I mean honestly though. there shouldn't be a problem... better not be...

Initiation starts this SUnday and I am STOKED about it!!! WHAT!!!!!!

Ok. I don't think I have anything else for tonight....

k. bye.

--The soon to be Delta!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


What's an Engagement without pictures!!!!!

Chris and Avery!!!

My AMAZING Family!!!

The family tree!!!!

That gorgeous ring!!!

The Newly Engaged Couple with the Candlelight Sisters!!!

Again I say it was so special to me to get to participate in this!! My first Candlelight was for my Big!! I don't think I'll ever forget that!!!

--Proud Lil

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's an ADPi Engagement!!!

So can I say I have had possibly the BEST weekend/ week EVER!!!! Let me tell you about it!!

1st off, I surprised my bestie!! I'm pretty sure she hated me and wanted to kill me for "canceling" our plans for this weekend!! But then I showed up at the game Friday night and it was to GREAT!!! I miss her so much!! But I'm glad I'm only an hour away!

Then Saturday we went to the lake with my family and tubed all weekend! Me and Lindsey are FRIED like CHICKEN!!! And my elbow's all scraped up!! But the weekend was AMAZING!!

However, by Monday morning I was really starting to miss Troy and my sisters!!

But here is for the WHOLE point of this blog...

Wickle, ADPi Pres, text me Sunday asking me if I was going to be at Chapter Tuesday. Well I told her I have class and asked why. Well she says they were doing something for Avery(My amazing Big) and she wanted me there. So I told her I could skip class and get the notes from someone. SO Wickle says she'll call me later. Well I get back to Troy and am checking me e-mail and open up this one from her... it says "Chris is proposing to Avery!!!!!!!!!"

I almost died. Like tears begin, I start laughing/ not breathing/ not believing what I just read! And the coolest part I GET TO BE A PART OF IT!!! We were having a candle light service and that's where Chris was going to propose!! Well it was AMAZING!! I basically had to avoid Avery all day today because otherwise I would have given something away or either started crying!!! AHH!!!

Well I'm not going into detail about how it was done because it was just to sweet!! But ahh. It was to PERFECT!!! And I can't believe Wickle was going to let me go to class and miss that!! Ahh!!!

LOVE LIFE!!! Well, my Grand Big is married, My Big is getting Married, hmm... no pressure here at all!!!

God has truly blessed me with some Amazing people that I can't believe I have lived without for 18 years!!! I'm so glad He allowed our paths to intersect at the perfect time!!

-- The Lil of the Engaged Big!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sisters are a Lifetime

Hey Yo!!!

So I have a lot to catch you 8 people that read this up on!!! Since the last post I have been officially initiated as an alpha member of Alpha Delta Pi, Gone through a full week of school, gone home and seen my bestie, experienced the most epic weekend ever, found out who my Big is, and went to this AWESOME thing called Momentum!!! But since you don't know what any of these things are I shall tell you!!

So maybe I was initiated by the time I typed the last one, but I want to explain this cause it's so cool to me!! So I'm in Alpha Delta Pi and there are 3 different... types of ADPi I guess you could say. When you first come in your an Alpha. Like the beginning, Alpha and Omega. Getting it?? Ok. Then Once you're officially initiated you become a Delta... can't really remember that meaning. Because it's in the middle of our greek letters I guess.. And then Once you become Alum you're a Pi. Like the number for Pi goes on forever and ever. Once ADPi always ADPi!!

That probably sounded crazy!!

Anyways, school is pretty good! Not to many complaints. My Psychology class is ruining my life. No biggie. The work hasn't gotten to hard yet. Just a lot of studying. Lame!!

I went home last Wednesday to celebrate my Mom's birthday!! I miss her and my brother a lot!! And I got to see that AMAZING person known as Windsey Bawin!!! I miss her really bad too!!! We hung out Wednesday and Thursday night! I got to see Trent, my boyfriend, Thursday! Yea, that's right! I said it! WOOT!!! Then I had to come back to Troy Friday for class and for possibly the most Epic weekend ever!! It's right up there with the Bayou Fest!! It is known as the SISTERHOOD RETREAT!!!!!

So That Friday we all met at the house and found out who our Big is!!! AHH!!!!! It was so cute we were all in the TV room at wickle(our president) and Ashley(my lion pal ha) came in to give us pajama bottoms. Well they told us we had to go and find our Big with the same pants on. So we all ran for the chapter room, little did we know they were OUTSIDE!!!! So then we had to wait for everyone to get to the chapter room and they finally let us out and drum roll please!!!!!!!!! My big was.................... AVERY!!!!! Oh my GOSH I was so excited!!!! Def the coolest thing ever!!! Because she is the coolest person ever!!! I love her to death!!!

Then that Saturday we did these session things, ehh. But that night, that night was when the fun truly began!! We were all going to go to a Biscuits game in Montgomery! Well me and avery rode with Kellie and Dakota! Kellie was driving. That should give you enough insight as to how this was gonna go. So the directions they gave us were bogus apparently and we ended up getting lost in the GHETTO!!! Like for real! Scared for my life!!! And we passed this one dog on the road and made some comment about him then when we turned around Kellie decided she was gonna go a DIFFERENT way but make a loop, again I say it's Kellie we're talking about, and we get back on the road with the dog and she says "There's the dog! We're on the right road!!!" Funniest moment EVER... so far. HA! So we get back on the highway and take some other exit and Kellie decides she needs to go to the bathroom!! So we pull up on the curb, don't think she meant to, and her and Avery run to the bushes while me and Dakota laugh our bottoms off!!! Of course I had to take pictures!!! And then we finally got Kellie's GPS figured out and we're driving through a not so Ghetto part of the ghetto and had to stop and take pictures at the train track!! Cutest pictures EVER!! And then we turn around to see the baseball stadium right behind us!! What are the odds?!?!

So we park 50 years away and trek to the stadium. Find our sisters in our bright NEON shirts!! Then we leave during the 8th inning I do believe, well Kellie decides she wants to complement this random guy on his shorts. So not only do we have to walk 50 years to the car we have this nice possy of guys following us. And then we finally lose them and these cars start driving by honking and this LITTLE boy leans out of one truck and yells at us. Avery yells, "YOU'RE FIVE! Keep Driving!" Funniest thing ever... AGAIN!!!! We finally made it back! lol

Then Sunday we went to Momentum(you'll read about that in a minute) and then to Camp Butter and Egg!! We did a lot of team building stuff like what we did at SLA so it was a lot of fun to me!! Then we had "informal" chapter and sleep, finally!!!

MOST EPIC WEEKEND EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Momentum!! Let me tell you about it!! It's a student led worship service on Sunday mornings on Campus and HOLY COW it's so great!! I describe it as a church camp service every Sunday morning!! I was so AMAZED by it!! And then I went to 8:29 Wednesday and it's basically a college youth group!! Pretty Awesome as well!!! Love it!! And I'm possibly gonna get to go on a mission trip to Trinidad this December!! WHAT?!?!?! So stoked!! Love Jesus!!

If you understood that blog you get major cool points because it was SUPER scattered!!

Everything is finally seeming some what right!! Nothing has been fixed, but God has really blessed me with some Amazing people!!

Peace and Blessings!!


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Drinking... And I'm not talking about Water

Hello Again!!! I hadn't planned on blogging for awhile but I can't sleep and have a lot on my mind. So Here it goes...

SO I went to my first college Frat party last night. It was just a big back-to-school bash held between all the fraternity's. All in All it was the first weekend of many hangovers to come(not for me, for the other idiots in the world). Like it was fun, but the fact that I wasn't drinking or smoking, and don't cuss made it boring. And I didn't know anyone so it was kind of like me following Kellie around... which apparently she thought she was my baby-sitter. ha! I love her to death, and am SO thankful she's chosen to be help me out like she's been doing. It just cracked me up the WHOLE night. "Where's Jenna? Where'd she go?" ha! Poor Katy Kitto. I'm glad she was there last night! She was one of those people that wasn't drinking, well she limited herself to one cup since she was driving, so we had fun together. And this chick named Lindsey, she was pretty cool to!

It just cracks me up though how some people are. Like sober they try to watch what they say. Like they say references to cuss words or the first letter to them, but then they get drunk and its all over. And then they look at me and say you didn't hear that or tonight didn't happen. It's so stupid. I'm just saying, if you get drunk in front of me, I will pick, aggravate, and annoy you just as bad as you are annoying me. That fact did somewhat make my night more fun last night.

But like the main thing that has been on my mind, why I went to sleep at 4 and am up already at 8. Grr... is that what does a person like me do in a situation like this? I talked to one of my amazing mentors back home who so lovingly text me back at 3 in the morning about this, but as a Christian and a sober person do you offer to be the designated driver? Or is that encouraging your friends to drink? Or do you tell them that your not gonna drive their sorry butts home so deal with it i hopes that they wouldn't go to crazy? It's basically a lose lose situation. My friend said to be their driver. It's better that they get home safe because their gonna drink anyways, which is so true... lucky me.

And then last night made me realize why one of the guys in my class started drinking prom night.... because it was SOOOOOO BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like several times last night I thought about just getting one drink to entertain myself but if I got one then it'd be all over with. Why? because I know myself. And I thought back to that night and figured that's probably how he felt, and then I wish I would have taken that guitar away sooner!! (that is a whole different story so don't worry about it)

AND THEN all this led to me thinking about why I don't drink. One I like life, Two I'm under age, Three I guess the most serious one is I've watched someone suffer for a year. Slowly dying and it stunk. It was hard on me, and my family because my Papa was the strongest person to us. And no, he didn't get sick because of drinking or smoking, but people who party get sick just like that, they develop cancer, liver problems, issues that will slowly kill them when they get older if not while they're in their twenties. I don't want my family to have to suffer and watch me die. And I also want to be that person kids can look up to who hasn't fallen into this temptation.

Which sparks my next things. I have a person in my life who has never smoke, drank, nothing. And She is such an inspiration to me. Like I want to be that to someone. I want my youth group back home to see me as not the 4 out of 5(or whatever that statistic is) who go to college and never enter church again. I want to be there one that they are like "She did it. She didn't conform. She was her on person."

And I guess I'm really scared to death of one thing when I looked out over the people last night. I'm scared that some of my friends back home will start to do this stuff. Like, hope this doesn't offend anyone, but some of my best friends are sophomores in high school. And yea, most of their class has already gotten into that stuff and they haven't, but it still freaks me out to think they're right there. I mean the toughest years have yet to come. Right now I'm not that worried, but once they start driving I'll probably never sleep again. And I think that's just my protective side taking over.

Ok. I don't think I have anything else to say. Maybe I'll be able to get some sleep now.

--The Sober One

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

College is AMAZING!!!!!!


SO I have been up at Troy for a week now!! Who knew so much could happen in a week!!! Rush last week was AMAZING!! I am now officially an Alpha member of Alpha Delta Pi!!!! I stinkin LOVE it!!!!! I now have 73 new sisters and it is the best feeling ever!!!

Classes finally started today!! I just had one english class. It's gonna stink!! I already have a ton of homework!! BLAH!! But I'm still excited about it!! This whole week I've been running around getting everything in order. Me and Nicole hung out most of Monday and went to survivor at the BCM!! It was CRAZY!!!

I feel like I should tell so much but I don't think there is much more to tell. I'm missing home just a tiny tiny bit. Really only missing like 2 or 3 people. But I get to see them next Wednesday!!!

That is all for now!! LA Ink premire tonight in 5 minutes!! WOOT WOOT!!!!!!

Peace Out Home Dogs!!

--The Alpha of ADPi

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bitter Sweet Days

Wow, I can't believe I basically leave for school Tuesday... that's so wild to me!! This whole past week has been weird to me. I started saying good-bye, saw a lot of people for probably the last time for awhile, and have thought constantly about how hard it's going to be to say good-bye to my closest friends and family. Which I say all this and it looks like I'm moving across the country, not an hour away but it's still one of those things.

This past weekend has hit me the hardest. Lindsey, Peyton, and me hung out Friday and Saturday and then Patrick joined us to "camp out" Saturday night. I had a great time, but my thoughts we're constantly "there won't be many days like this anymore." Yea, I'll come home, I'll see them at football games and church, but We won't get to do stuff like that... I tear up as I think about it so I'll stop.

Church was stinking AMAZING today!! Oh My BACK!!! For real talk! Like the songs we sang during worship were Fabulous! Then Bro Cecil's sermon was Awesome!! Totally a slap in the though, He talked about why we beat on closed doors when there is an open door begging us to come inside... boom!! ha. Then I moved up to the college sunday school class, it was AWESOME too!!! Actual discussion instead of crickets!! Then took possibly the best nap ever, that is after hanging with my wonderful Mom and Brother! Jay went into the Youth Group today for the 1st time, I haven't seen him this excited about something in a long time!! I pray he stays like this!! Then tonight we had the Deacons Ordination thing... basically we swore some guy into being a deacon and watched men pray over him for an hour and a half... woo. But the guy being "sworn in"'s name is Luke and he said one thing that stuck out to me. "I am not qualified, but I am willing." Slap in the face!!

Why you ask? Because it was so hard not to go to the youth room today for sunday school. I wanted to go and make sure the 6th graders felt welcome and talk to everyone, get things going. But I'm not qualified for that anymore. That's not my job. God really gave me a peace about that today. I can't do it anymore, someone else has got to step up and I have no doubt they will, I'm just a control freak. So I like to do things. Now is my time to go and dig into the College Ministry, no I'm not qualified(I don't have a degree or even Senority) but I am willing and I pray God use me to grow the ministry and even in Troy.

And then tonight also brought up this saying I heard at SLA. We got these REAP journals to use during our quite time and I did some of mine tonight during the 50 prayers. Well the preacher guy from week 2 of SLA said this. "Whenever I interview someone for a church position this is one of my questions, 'When was the last time you cried because of what your Saviour did for you?'" I thought of this because as Luke talked he cried. It is so inspiring to me to watch a grown man cry because of what his God has done for him!! He is broken under the wing of Jesus and allowing himself to remain broken which is so cool to me!!

Well My summer is slowly closing. I go up for Rush Tuesday, so my life from Tuesday-Saturday will be non-stop. Then I move in and start college... WOAH!!! Here is my schedule as promised:

1:00-1:50 Comp and Modern English
4:00-4:50 University Orientation
6:00-8:30 Pre-Cal with Algrebra

8:30-9:45 Intro to Leadership
10:00-11:15 Honors Western Civ
5:30-8:00 General Psychology

1:00-1:50 Comp and Modern English

8:30-9:45 Intro to Leadership
10:00-11:15 Honors Western Civ

1:00-1:50 Comp and Modern English

Well that's all for now. My next post will be from my apartment when I'm all moved in!! WOOT!!!!

Much Love!!
--The RUSHing girl!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Summer 2010=AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

Hello there!!!!!!! It's been awhile. SO here's an update on my Summer and upcoming fall!!

Summer... there aren't enough words to describe how incredibly AMAZING this Summer has been!! But I guess I'll try. It started off with the 1st Annual Bayou Country Super Fest in Baton Rouge!! Keith Urban, Taylor Swift, Kenny Chesney, Kelli Pickler, Brooks&Dunn, and many other INCREDIBLE artists!! Me Lindsey and Mom went down for that and it was FABULOUS!!!

Me and Lindsey after a slight rain fall the 1st day!!

Then I had my wisdom teeth taken out... blah.

After that we had VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!! One of the highlights of my year!! Saddle Ridge Ranch! I got to be on the Worship Rally Team which was pretty great, not gonna lie!! Loved VBS and my cousin Autumn got saved this year on Thursday night!! PTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's see, the Sunday after VBS I left town for possibly the best 2 weeks of my life... no
seriously. I went to Glorieta, New Mexico for SLA!! Flew by myself for the first time and experienced no humidity!! Fantastic!! I love my SLAya friends(Jenna, Haley, Logan, and Gage). We basically spent the 1st week doing team stuff like low rope and high rope courses and the big swing and zip line. Then Friday afternoon we left for our backpacking trip!! GLORIOUS!!!!! We climbed to the top of Mt Baldy!! At the top you could see snow on one side and a forest fire on the other side!! We slept in tents, ate food I've never eaten before, didn't shower for 3 days, saw the MOST gorgeous sunset ever, and I got up for the MOST gorgeous sunrise ever!! It was AMAZING!! Then I got home and talked to Lindsey for like 2 hours, took the longest nap ever, and got ready to hit Santa Fe with some of the staffers! We went to eat at Upper Crust Pizza and on the way there I was told my staffer who I will be shadowing was.......................JENNY!!!!!!! Only the coolest person ever!!!!! We were both photography freaks and she is so stinkin AWESOME!! I love and miss her so much! But I basically was her shadow all week and cried when I left. But it was fantastic!!!!

The SLAyers with our Leader Brandon!!

Jenny and Me!!

Flew home on a Saturday and not only found my mom at the airport but Lindsey had come too!!!!!!!!! It was the BEST surprise ever!! Drove home from Atlanta and went to church camp(WIRED) with my church the following Sunday... I took a great nap between. haha!

WIRED was the best ever!!!!!!! I worked at a place called Girl's Inc. Basically a daycare/learning center for girls k-8th grade! It was so AMAZING!! I hung out with mainly the 4th grade and wow, God sure did break my heart for what breaks His that week. Site was awesome, worship was INCREDIBLE!! 33 Miles lead worship and Dave Edwards spoke and you can tell God works through him!! Gaps were closed, rings were formed, and God's will was obeyed!! Church group was the best EVER!!! And on Friday Night we always invite the whole community. Well this year we had to set up a seperate holding place for some people because there were so many students and guests!! And I got to give a little part of my testimony on stage that night!!

FBC Headland 2010

My WIRED group!!!

Got home from WIRED on Saturday and that Wednesday went to IMPACT for Troy. It's there student orientation. It was AWESOME!!! Registered for my classes, met alot of cool people, and decided I'm going to Rush aka pledge for a sororiety!!!!!!! College is gonna be GREAT!!!

Then I had a week to rest and relax and am now sitting at the beach, St George Island to be exact, until Saturday with my Mom's side of the fam!! It's gorgeous down here!! Love love love it!!

Coolest thing about my summer??? God called me to Venezuela to build and start a Girls home, sort of like a place for refuge and shelter. I'm pretty stoked about it!! Just waiting to hear about when He wants me to go!!

Besides ALL that my summer has been filled with fun trips with Lindsey, Peyton, and Patrick... oh the joys. Hanging out with Trent alot. And watching non-stop Gilmore Girls!!!

I'm super ready to move in to The Grove!!! Rush starts August 3rd and classes start the 12th!! I'll post my schedule when I get home!!

Love you ALL!!!!

--Beach Bum!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Beginning

Hey!!! I told you I'd be starting a new blog so here it is!!

This will be my blog for the next four years! Maybe I'll keep up with it. This blog will describe everything I face and learn as I travel through the 2nd phase of my life at Troy University. I can't wait to share the experience!! Hope I don't disappoint!!

That's all for tonight!! I'll blog again next week!!

--The future Troy Trojan!!