So I have a lot to catch you 8 people that read this up on!!! Since the last post I have been officially initiated as an alpha member of Alpha Delta Pi, Gone through a full week of school, gone home and seen my bestie, experienced the most epic weekend ever, found out who my Big is, and went to this AWESOME thing called Momentum!!! But since you don't know what any of these things are I shall tell you!!
So maybe I was initiated by the time I typed the last one, but I want to explain this cause it's so cool to me!! So I'm in Alpha Delta Pi and there are 3 different... types of ADPi I guess you could say. When you first come in your an Alpha. Like the beginning, Alpha and Omega. Getting it?? Ok. Then Once you're officially initiated you become a Delta... can't really remember that meaning. Because it's in the middle of our greek letters I guess.. And then Once you become Alum you're a Pi. Like the number for Pi goes on forever and ever. Once ADPi always ADPi!!
That probably sounded crazy!!
Anyways, school is pretty good! Not to many complaints. My Psychology class is ruining my life. No biggie. The work hasn't gotten to hard yet. Just a lot of studying. Lame!!
I went home last Wednesday to celebrate my Mom's birthday!! I miss her and my brother a lot!! And I got to see that AMAZING person known as Windsey Bawin!!! I miss her really bad too!!! We hung out Wednesday and Thursday night! I got to see Trent, my boyfriend, Thursday! Yea, that's right! I said it! WOOT!!! Then I had to come back to Troy Friday for class and for possibly the most Epic weekend ever!! It's right up there with the Bayou Fest!! It is known as the SISTERHOOD RETREAT!!!!!
So That Friday we all met at the house and found out who our Big is!!! AHH!!!!! It was so cute we were all in the TV room at wickle(our president) and Ashley(my lion pal ha) came in to give us pajama bottoms. Well they told us we had to go and find our Big with the same pants on. So we all ran for the chapter room, little did we know they were OUTSIDE!!!! So then we had to wait for everyone to get to the chapter room and they finally let us out and drum roll please!!!!!!!!! My big was.................... AVERY!!!!! Oh my GOSH I was so excited!!!! Def the coolest thing ever!!! Because she is the coolest person ever!!! I love her to death!!!
Then that Saturday we did these session things, ehh. But that night, that night was when the fun truly began!! We were all going to go to a Biscuits game in Montgomery! Well me and avery rode with Kellie and Dakota! Kellie was driving. That should give you enough insight as to how this was gonna go. So the directions they gave us were bogus apparently and we ended up getting lost in the GHETTO!!! Like for real! Scared for my life!!! And we passed this one dog on the road and made some comment about him then when we turned around Kellie decided she was gonna go a DIFFERENT way but make a loop, again I say it's Kellie we're talking about, and we get back on the road with the dog and she says "There's the dog! We're on the right road!!!" Funniest moment EVER... so far. HA! So we get back on the highway and take some other exit and Kellie decides she needs to go to the bathroom!! So we pull up on the curb, don't think she meant to, and her and Avery run to the bushes while me and Dakota laugh our bottoms off!!! Of course I had to take pictures!!! And then we finally got Kellie's GPS figured out and we're driving through a not so Ghetto part of the ghetto and had to stop and take pictures at the train track!! Cutest pictures EVER!! And then we turn around to see the baseball stadium right behind us!! What are the odds?!?!
So we park 50 years away and trek to the stadium. Find our sisters in our bright NEON shirts!! Then we leave during the 8th inning I do believe, well Kellie decides she wants to complement this random guy on his shorts. So not only do we have to walk 50 years to the car we have this nice possy of guys following us. And then we finally lose them and these cars start driving by honking and this LITTLE boy leans out of one truck and yells at us. Avery yells, "YOU'RE FIVE! Keep Driving!" Funniest thing ever... AGAIN!!!! We finally made it back! lol
Then Sunday we went to Momentum(you'll read about that in a minute) and then to Camp Butter and Egg!! We did a lot of team building stuff like what we did at SLA so it was a lot of fun to me!! Then we had "informal" chapter and sleep, finally!!!
MOST EPIC WEEKEND EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So Momentum!! Let me tell you about it!! It's a student led worship service on Sunday mornings on Campus and HOLY COW it's so great!! I describe it as a church camp service every Sunday morning!! I was so AMAZED by it!! And then I went to 8:29 Wednesday and it's basically a college youth group!! Pretty Awesome as well!!! Love it!! And I'm possibly gonna get to go on a mission trip to Trinidad this December!! WHAT?!?!?! So stoked!! Love Jesus!!
If you understood that blog you get major cool points because it was SUPER scattered!!
Everything is finally seeming some what right!! Nothing has been fixed, but God has really blessed me with some Amazing people!!
Peace and Blessings!!